Casey Calvert, a sales representative from the beauty industry visits Eliza Jane as a spa masseuse to promote her Brazilian Essential Oils. Eliza has an existing supplier but Casey would like her to try hers first before making a decision. Eliza has a lot of work and Casey lets her rub some oil on her temples. Casey lists the benefits and features of the product while softly describing them. Eliza is impressed by the sales pitch of Casey and convinces her productAs pure. She agrees to a demonstration massage for five minutes. Casey joins Eliza in the massage room. Eliza is fully clothed as she sits down on the massage table and Casey begins to massage her neck and shoulders. Casey then invites Eliza to lay down after a while. So that the oil does not stain her clothing, she takes off her shirt. Eliza seems to enjoy her treatment. As the oil penetrates to her skin, Eliza moaned with delight. She is informed by the sales representative that she is using essential oils that contain sandalwood. This oil can be used as an aphrodisiac. The complex events that take place in her body are described by Eliza. Eliza asks Casey to keep her on her frontside even though she has let her know that the massage is finished. Casey flips and runs her hands over her body. Eliza consents to remove her underwear in the event it gets stained. Eliza coaxes CaseyA to hold her hand. However, she pulls away from the blonde. Her puffy cheeks are licked by her as she slips one finger into her hole. Eliza is fluttering on the table with her tongue, and she cums in her mouth. After helping Casey to undress, she lays her head on the table and cums her. Eliza moves her tums and then, after an hour-long session, she fucks CaseyAs pussy with the oil.
The Essence Of Sex: Part One –
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