Feng Shui Your Pain Away Allgirlmassage.com – tvporn.cc


Emily Right enters the massage parlor to receive her massage. Victoria Voxxx, masseuse, greets Emily and asks if she has any suggestions to improve EmilyA’s experience. Emily glances around and says she’d change A’the table in the space. She hurt her back while trying to move it. Victoria rushes over to her aid and she yells in pain. Victoria replies, “Oh poor thing! Are you okay?” Emily says that she thinks Emily hurt her back. Victoria informs Emily that sheA’ll have to look at her back and she needs to go with Victoria to the massage table. Victoria questions, “Can you manage that?” Emily says, “Yeah. I think that I can handleA” Victoria asks. Emily takes off her shirt, and Victoria looks around. Victoria can’t find the issue. As Victoria assists Emily in her dressing, Emily agrees. Victoria massages her back and she lies down. Emily questions Victoria about energy centers and asks her if she knows. Victoria replies, “Of course. I studied ancient medicine. I know all about it.” Victoria replies, “As long we can get energy flowing again you should be capable of walking out of this place today. A’Wow….ok…thatA’s awesome…I mean whatever you think works IA’ll do,A’ Emily says breathlessly. Victoria rubs EmilyAs back while she oilens it. Emily inquires about what herA’s searching for when she begins massaging her genitals. Victoria tells Emily that her chi has become stuck in the sacral chakra. She needs to release it. Victoria asks Emily to turn so she can take a closer look. Emily then turns around and lies on her stomach. Victoria says that Emily’s A’solarplexus chakra isn’t quite as congested, but still needs attention. Victoria rubs Emily’s pussy with her fingers. Emily says, “I feel energy flowing through my body.” Victoria replies, “Of course, because youA’re sensitive and sensitive to the energy flowing through your body.” EmilyA’s soft tongue is lowered to her wet pussy. Victoria will introduce Emily to chakras she had never heard of.

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